Can I take Vilnius with myself? Yes, you can!
It was late September when he came to our office and asked: So now you will live at Queen's Land? Yes, indeed. But can I take Vilnius with myself? - that was my reaction.
I always believed that there is only one home on Earth for me. It's my country Lithuania and its' capital Vilnius. While living next to London, I still believe in it. Being an emigre means always taking your home with you.
So I packed my things and one rough Thursday morning landed in Luton airport. It was the first flight in my life and I was confused as a squirrel with too much nuts in her tiny mouth. Let's take a party - I said!
No, I just went to sleep and after good nap, got lost in a small city St Albans, where I had the fortune to stay. There was one of the most interesting sightseeing tours in my life when I just tried to find my boyfriends office (all this trip was his adventure at first) and not to show how lost I am. And tried to smile. Never forget to smile in UK - my best friend said after leaving me at airport in Vilnius. Oh well, I smiled and they smiled me back. They - people, not squirrels. A lot of smiles, you know. So unusual for Lithuanian. :)
Second time when I tried to find my home was even more shameful, because I invited a friend to my house. And couldn't find my own street.
Well, now I know where I live even if all houses looks the same. Now I'm living here more than a month, already visited London, got drunk once, had many nice short chats, girl in HandM calls me darling and other strange things happened and will happen to me. I'm sure. And I promise that all my heroic experience will be interesting for at least five percent of all visitors.
I'll write about Vilnius, life in emigration, St. Albans, London, squirells and other simple, but exclusive things. And not because my friends told me to do this. Because I want to. :)
Welcome to my house. Let's take a cup of tea!