Every little counts

This is the strange period in my life when every little counts. A smile, a word, a hug, a taste, a glance, a second, everything is somewhat longer, deeper, sometimes weird, exciting and new like a smoked beef brisket (what a thing!) and sometimes nostalgic like a chamomile tea with a drop of honey.

I had a lot of food for thoughts in the past 2 months and very incredible clash of emotions. The darkest shadow of loss and thereafter, right away, a pure joy seeing so many lovely faces on our wedding day. I sometimes don't know where it all went to, is it all over or just the beginning (hope not!), but I'm grateful for every single person who stood next to me and behind me and in front of me to help me through the storm. I don't know if it's over yet, but now I know better than ever before - this shit is serious, it's called life and, admit, you love it after all. This is the reason you get out of bed, wash your hair, put that bright dress on and march forward to see what happens next.

My London sister Rit is learning Danish and all I can say about that is 'godt klaret'! Tho I hate the idea of my friend moving to another time zone (even if it's only an hour ahead) and us loosing the chance to plan any unexpected cheat meal meet-ups, everyone has the right to dream and reach for those dreams. And the fact is that if the connection is deep enough and sincere, there is no matter what is the country or the time - you can always wait for your kid-friend (not because you're short, you know!) coming over for Christmas! I will leave this paragraph open for the next time as I feel there will be stories to tell.

It's good to have people you don't necessary need to speak everyday to. You know they're there and they're part of your life as much as you're part of their life. The true is - as you're getting older and bolder (myself in behavior, mostly), only the true connections survive. You simply don't have and don't want to have time for something that is not real enough, not strong enough, meet the people you don't care about or build connections just for the sake of knowing people from all around the world (which I should probably consider more). Sometimes less is more and every little counts.

There are facts that friendship can survive in extreme conditions like:

Time of the year: late Spring
When you don't really feel the day, but oh but, it's still your birthday and they decide to get you to the London eye, where you blurb accidentally 'oh, is that it?' as if the tickets aren't flippin' expensive. But hey, at least they give you VIP queue skip and return your home made baileys after.
Truly great memories, my 2... something Birthday. 

Time of the year: early Spring
When the 1st of March is coldest day of the year and there is snow everywhere in London (which I can't say very often) and the wind is terrific, but Z. was born on this day and so you get 30 floor up to the Sky Garden to say hi to some tropical plants and to ask how they're feeling about the holes (aka natural ventilation) in the walls. Followed by a heartwarming meal, thanks God.

Time of the year: early Spring again (this time without snow)
Celebrating Z. Birthday at Windsor and realizing all of us are grown up enough to honestly say 'I'm taking the audio guide so I don't need to speak to you both'. And it works the charm. Afternoon tea at some random restaurant I don't remember was magical. The day was magical.

Time of the year: late Spring, more like Summer
Hampton Court. You overdid yourself with this one. I mean. This was simply perfect and I always smile as I remember it. The day was great, Hampton Court is great, afternoon tea was great, you were great. Yes, this album is what I use when real world starts to upset me again. Basically, friends and trips are medicine. Thank you!

We were lucky to emigrate to the same country and the same city, but the city or country or time zone isn't a limit anymore when your 2... is going towards the end. #feelingold#feelinggold#sobbystory

Good night,

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