Every little counts
This is the strange period in my life when every little counts. A smile, a word, a hug, a taste, a glance, a second, everything is somewhat longer, deeper, sometimes weird, exciting and new like a smoked beef brisket (what a thing!) and sometimes nostalgic like a chamomile tea with a drop of honey. I had a lot of food for thoughts in the past 2 months and very incredible clash of emotions. The darkest shadow of loss and thereafter, right away, a pure joy seeing so many lovely faces on our wedding day. I sometimes don't know where it all went to, is it all over or just the beginning (hope not!), but I'm grateful for every single person who stood next to me and behind me and in front of me to help me through the storm. I don't know if it's over yet, but now I know better than ever before - this shit is serious, it's called life and, admit, you love it after all. This is the reason you get out of bed, wash your hair, put that bright dress on and march forward to see ...