You only grow, when you let go

July 2019. Mid summer flu in mid summer heat in the middle of the Queens island. What a year to live, what a life to lead for the years to come. If I was openly complaining what disturbing and difficult the past few years been, now I want to ctrl+find my few years younger self and kick her ass. And I'm not saying this year is the hardest ever and forever as that would be a complete hipster talk with half eaten vegan chipolata sausage sandwich in one hand and nothing to drink but rhubarb-lemon-mint cordial in another. Life might be unfair, life might be rewarding, sometimes you're late to say goodbye and sometimes dreams can lead you to salvation even if lately you haven't been on your best terms with the God. If you want to shout and you want to cry and you want to tear the whole world apart (my Shakespeare self is speaking), that is OK. That is the price of your most heartwarming moments. Some proofs that waters weren't still this year: January: Winter Wonderla...