
Rodomi įrašai nuo sausis, 2017

When it's 13 of January and you are Lithuanian in UK

You can work with half of the world, speak several different languages, but the people from neighbour countries will still understand you the best. Or at least as good as your Lithuanian friends would understand you. Lets take this super simple example of saying 'please don't forget to text me when your home'. It means I do care about you, I wish you a safe journey and I worry about you being home late. Would the colleagues / friends from Western countries ask you that? How they would react when you ask them? Lets say you got late because you went for an unplanned dinner with your colleague. And you say 'please text me when you're home', not on the way, not on the train, but home, when you're really safe and warm. Because I was the fault you stayed late today. And you know what? I am pretty much sure that for some nations this question would sound like huh? Are you controlling me or what? Are you know my Mom after I went for dinner with you? Why do you want ...

When I do dream

When I'm completely bored I start dreaming. And then it's almost 10 pm and I need to go to sleep! The life is unfair for those who need more than 7 hours of sleep every night. I dream about: * summer when I'll get back home at 7 pm and it will be nice and sunny... and sunny and nice. And I'll go for a run. Or maybe try to wake up at 6:40 am (which is completely doable if it's summer) and then go for a nice run before getting ready to work. It means running equals relaxation and happiness, summer equals happiness, so running plus summer is absolute happiness. I wanted to say Utopia, but no, it's doable, reachable, tasteable; * finding new job and learning something new! New people, new energy, new projects. I think God wanted me to be where I am now, to see and experience what I do see and I do experience, it sculpts me, changes me, makes me to grow up and see what people and situations I want to avoid in my life. He always sends me lessons, that guy!  Oh my dear...

post šventinis post'as

Tai buvo vienos iš jaukiausių Kalėdų mano gyvenime. Šventinės nuotaikos darbe, penktadienio punčas, klasikinės barokinės muzikos koncertas Southwark Cathedral, atnešęs nuostabų šventinį nusiraminimą ir jaukumą. Pojūtis, kad  nebereikia skubėti, žmonės rakina mažų parduotuvėlių duris, languose įsižiebia kalėdinės lempelės ir pamažu nustoja riedėję paskutiniai traukiniai. Ramu, šventiška ir miela. Naujuosius sutikome taipogi namuose, su trejetu artimų draugų, kurie liko ir sekmadienio pasivaikščiojimams per lietų iki Katedros. Gera žinoti, kad po kelių metų jau turbūt susitiksime šeimomis, kur nors užmiesčio namukuose, o gal net judėsime viens pas kitą tais vėlyvais paskutiniais traukiniais, galbūt lėktuvais. 2016-ieji turėjo keletą pradžių ir keletą pabaigų, bet geriausia žinoti, kad dėl jų visų esu laiminga. Ačiū, Ju